Boudoir by elle

April 17, 2018

Meet the Team | Naperville Boudoir Photographer

Naperville Boudoir Photographer

Hello lovelies !  I am THRILLED to introduce the newest member of our team over here at Boudoir by Elle!  Meet Katie, owner and makeup artist over at K. Kastner Beauty.  I have known Katie for almost twenty years and I couldn’t imagine working alongside anyone else.  She is relaxed, fun, and uplifting and it’s always a pleasure to work with her.  As a Naperville boudoir photographer, I find it so incredibly important to work with a group of empowering women that you love and trust.

Meet Katie with K. Kastner Beauty

K Kastner Beauty Orland Park makeup artist photographed by Boudoir by Elle

When did you start this business? Share your story on how you began.

My freelance makeup business, K.Kastner Beauty, began in 2010 after I had spent several years in the luxury cosmetic industry. I realized that I adored the artistry and client service aspect of the business but the retail piece was not ideal for me. In the last 8 years I have met and worked with so many incredible women of all ages and helping them feel their most beautiful at some of the most important times in their lives has been such an honor and privilege.

So Much Spinach as a blog and brand is still in it’s infancy. I began it about a year ago as a creative outlet that allows me to connect, celebrate and sometimes commiserate with other women on life as a mom, wannabe runner and overall healthy living advocate. I am also a huge advocate of self care, especially for moms, and a large part of So Much Spinach is finding that balance and making sure we as women are caring for ourselves just as much as we care for our families and friends.

Describe the services(s) you offer and why they would benefit women?  If you offer bridal services, please specify those services.

K.Kastner Beauty offers full makeup and lash applications for all special occasions. For bridal clients, a trial makeup application is included. An important piece of the process for me is collaborating with my clients to create the perfect look and ensuring they feel their very best.

How do you keep yourself organized as things get busier and busier?

As a stay at home mom of 2 young children, organization and time management is key and crucial to both my blogging and freelance business. I am a slave to my Panda Planner and wall calendar. I’m a visual person and having all of my dates, appointments and to-do lists laid out is hugely helpful.

Do you have the lady boss thing down ?  How do you find the balance between motherhood and running a business?

Some days I’m so confident I do and the very next day I’m questioning my ability to do anything! Lol! For me, being a “lady boss” is just as much having the courage to attempt it all as it is actually doing it all. I’ve learned to celebrate productivity when it happens but also not beat myself up when I can’t seem to get anything done.

I also remind myself often that my #1 priority is these little lives I’ve been blessed with. They are the reasons and my inspiration for doing and creating something beyond my every day. I want them to see that it’s important to have outlets, experiences and challenges that excite them and that while it isn’t always easy, it’s almost always worth it.

Can you offer 5 tips for women looking for natural / dewy makeup/skin care for their boudoir and/or bridal images?  

  1. Skincare. If your skin is at it’s best, your makeup will only look better. For brides I recommend a few facials in the months and weeks prior to the big day. Working with an esthetician to address any issues is the best way to prep skin.
  2. Get to know your skin. Are you on the dry side? A bit more oily? Are there certain makeup products that don’t agree with your skin? Knowing the way your skin behaves and communicating that to your makeup artist will ensure that application and product choice is on point.
  3. Clean skin. Make sure you face is clean and free of any makeup prior to your appointment. A clean slate is the perfect canvas.
  4. A clear vision and communication. If you have a look in mind for your session, don’t be afraid to speak up! Collaborating with your makeup artist is the best way to achieve your perfect look.
  5. Hydrate! A lot of what we see in our skin comes from within. Being well hydrated and well rested will help your skin looks it’s very best.

How can people connect with you?




Instagram: Somuchspinachkatie 

Facebook: K.Kastner Beauty

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